
In 1997 pigs became part of VanaTee Farm. These cute, fun, charismatic creatures have been a long favorite of the VanderZanden family including both our children via FFA and 4-H raising pigs for projects. Since that time VanaTee Farm locally sources piglets with partial heritage breeding to raise in our irrigated pond pasture in late summer where the piglets enjoying the lush grass of the pasture along with high quality feed to balance their ration.

They are also supplemented with organic produce, locally sourced, from gardeners that have over producing plants. After 5-6 months of this life they then become locker pork and processed locally by a USDA inspected facility.

All animals (including animals raised for meat) at VanaTee Farm are naturally raised. This means there are no growth hormones or steriods. Antibiotics have a limited use and are only used if the animals life is endangered. All withdrawal periods are strictly observed.

For the latest information on our Pigs please checkout our Farm Life blog!